"A remarkable band. If they don’t get famous some time or other, there is no more justice in this world" stated a trendy German magazine some years ago. "Some time or other" seems to be now: HEINRICH BEATS THE DRUM are back with a new album titled "Teenage Wasteland" – and the odds are that maybe there is justice in this world!
Over the course of three years they have collected mountains of new songs (of which only a handful survived the merciless selection process), recorded and produced like mad in Drummer Frenzy’s studio, with just one goal in mind: to crystallize the essence of the HBTD-style and get it onto tape with the most state-of-the-art recording techniques.
What they’ve achieved this way has timeless qualities, as one can hear in their captivating version of the The Who’s 1970s classic "Baba O’Riley".
Though they have never earnestly considered to bend their songs into shape for airplay, they soon might get a foot in the door of many a good station.
HEINRICH BEATS THE DRUM always was and always will be a real rock group – but one with open ears for the pulse of the times. So whoever thinks rock passé in the age of trance, triphop etc, will have to change his mind!