Our society seems to have reached the end of their mental health. So the 5 musicians around singer Ludwig "Wiggal" Wiedenmann are just in time. In their lyrics they fight against the pure reason, the deference to authority, the sense of powerlessness and resignation of today. This means they have the courage to say what others only dare to think. And they pack their thoughts in incredibly danceable, genre across songs which simply generate lust for live. "Part-time work for all, wouldn't that be cool?" they ask in the old-school reggae "Schee is" (it's beautiful), because then there would still be enough money for everyone to make a living. That is as simple as it is true. And truth is what man realizes immediately. "I collect beautiful days', 'cause no one will ever take them away from me" they sing in their song "Da Sammler" (the collector). Who can argue with that? "Scheiss da nix" is a Bavarian album. And yet it is so much more. It's a musical suggestion for thought and action, as well as an invitation to dance.

Discography: Music by Zwoastoa 6
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