HOAMWEH BLUES is the name of Schorsch Hampel's latest CD. If necessary, the CD would have been released posthumously, but then Schorsch jumped off the Boandlkramer's shovel again. So he brings his 'Hoamwehblues' alive to the people.
In cooperation with his brother Dr. Will, who also is responsible for the absolutely harmonious production, he has created a collection of songs in which the music is reduced to the essentials. With guitar, banjo, harmonica and percussion (Dr. Will) they groove relaxed through modern blues arrangements - nothing more is needed. The vocals, which are, as usual, in Bavarian, laconically leaned back, working day thoughts and Sunday feelings, own and stolen memories can be found in the poetic lyrics.
So the track 2017 Blues and Schee wars take a look out of today's window back to past times, Mississippi sehng tells of the journey to the origins of blues and the Kloane dicke Bua from a time when there were no eating disorders, you were just a 'scrawny herring' or a 'fat ass'.
Observations from normal everyday life can be found in Schaugzno (who knows exactly what his neighbour is doing ) and Ja ned mein Hund, a biting side blow to contemporaries who know nothing of the environment and its supposedly 'lowly' creatures for the sake of their career horniness.
Schorsch Hampel says 'Servus' with the Hoamwehblues from the Munich 'Isardelta'.

Discography: Music by Schorsch Hampel 15
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