For the 40th anniversary of the stage, Williams once went to his archive and brought the old vinyl records to light and put them on his old turntable and found out that there are still really good titles there, which never exist on CD or how you only do nowadays, as a download. No wonder, they are not digital recordings, but only LP tracks. In laborious work Williams and his young musician colleague have digitalized the best tracks from the various LPs, now and then you can also hear the sizzling noise of the LPs.
We now release the first seven songs from the great work of Williams Wetsox. "Arme Woit" and "Volksfest" are from the 1994 album "Mei Herz gherd'n Blues", "Da letzte Tanz" comes from the 1992 longplayer "de bluesig'n Oberlandler", "Drunt in Huglfing" was taken from the 1987 album "Blues aus der Hoamat". It was a live recording from December 1986 in the legendary Waldstrasse. The studio version was already released in 1983 on the album of the same name. And from the first LP, which saw its release in 1981, comes the last title "Da Deife". And of course, a previously unreleased work must not be missing on such an EP, because the opener "Mei Herz is brochn" came on stage for the first time in the 80s and the Musicassette lay somewhere in the archive and has now been discovered and digitalized for the first time while searching for this EP. On that recording you can hear Henrik Ferstl on the drums, who occasionally assists with Williams Wetsox.
Only "Da Fisch springt ausm Wasser" from the CD album of the same name does not come from an LP, but Williams found another recording in the archive and said that the piece simply had to be on it.

Discography: Music by Williams Wetsox 10
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