Es gibt nichts zu bereuen
by LustfingeR

CD no.


The indestructible are back! With their eleventh album "ES GIBT NICHTS ZU BEREUEN" the Munich punk rockers LustfingeR and the singer, songwriter and guitarist Tom Fock are back - more powerful and swinging than ever!

Under the direction of successful producer Warthy Wartmann (Unheilig, Eisbrecher) an album has been created, which unites all known qualities of the South German punk rock matadors - but on a completely new production level and with a completely renewed lineup and fresh spirit.
"We know what we want / because we are no longer completely new / we know what we want / we remain true to our line", says the programmatic title song "There is nothing to regret". That's true, because the irresistible catchy tune refrains (you only hear the first single release "Niemals vergessen", the opener "Wir feiern unseren Untergang" or "Unser Weg") and the tongue-in-cheek self-irony, which you always loved about LustfingeR, can be found in abundance on the new longplayer.
On the other hand, it's just as true when they sing "Wir ha'm die Karten neugeschischt" in the same breath, because with the support of Warthy Wartman and thanks to top-class newcomers like guitarist Danny Raygun (Raygun Rebels), LustfingeR have in fact considerably expanded their range of expression. There are high speed riffs in "Wir sehen uns", which would have been a good sight for Guns'N'Roses, and in "Bumsilaki" a guitar solo of breathtaking brilliance. All 13 tracks inspire with a force and precision that you have never heard before in Munich.
That LustfingeR still know where they come from after all these years, all that up and up, is not least noticeable in the testosterone-driven gutter romance of songs like "Damenklo". Non-conformists are Fock & Co. anyway, as they make clear in the hymn-like "Dafür dagegen" ("hold your nose to the headwind"). To the end there is with "Lass mich los" a touching ballad, which makes the listener feel that even with punk rockers there is a soft core under the rough and tumble shell.
"...always stood up again, because punk is our life" it says in the title song of ES GIBT NICHTS ZU BEREUEN. That's true - and that's a good thing!

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