Walk Into The Fire - Durchs Feuer gehen (Single)
by Jean Beauvoir & Tom Fock

CD no.


For the album which LustfingeR released for the 40th anniversary, they asked Jean Beauvoir, the US singer and multi-instrumentalist who played with Gary U. S. Bonds, Plasmatics, Little Steven & the Disciples of Soul, Crown of Thorns  and worked as a songwriter for the Ramones and Kiss, if he would like to contribute a song to the anniversary album. Jean immediately recorded his Ramones classic "Bonzo Goes to Bitburg" with them. After hearing all the songs for the album, he picked out the ballad "Durchs Feuer gehen" and produced the English version "Walk Into The Fire". Jean really liked the song so much that he wants to release it on his next album as well. Tom, singer and mastermind of LustfingeR and Jean decided to produce a duet single with the song, which is now available.

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