Beyond The Mirrors
"Faerie, the world of fantasy and magic, of imagination and the supernatural has always been an inspiration to me and is closely connected to my outlook on life and thus related to my musical work", says MARCATOR, the composer and multi-intrumentalist from Northern Germany, who has come to some recognition in the New Instrumental scene with his two previous albums "Eiderland Suite" and "The Dreamtime Cycle" on Prudence. For his brandnew and third outing on Prudence, "Beyond The Mirrors", Marcator has dug deep into his imagination of these fantasy worlds, but not only into his own imagination. Several tracks are also inspired by the works of writers like Shakespeare ("Midsummer Night's Dream"), Coleridge and Tolkien, who, each in his own era and his own way, have dealt with fantasy and magic. Musically Marcator once again has used his vast knowledge of European folk and classical music to express his views of these fantastic worlds. Compared to his ealier albums there is less emphasis on percussive elements on "Beyond The Mirorrs". Instead Marcator has concentrated his efforts on new and exciting combinations of a multitude of electronic and natural sounds. And once again he proves himself a powerful creator of beautiful melodies. Among the several guest musicians on his album there is an expecially interesting one: Lydia Kavina, the worlds leading master on the "Theremin", an early predecessor of the synthesizer, created by her own grandfather in Russia during the 1920s. Lydia has enhanced a variety of important Hollywood-soundtracks with her exceptional work on the Theremin, but never before her exotic instrumental voice has sounded so naturally in place as on this fascinating new album by MARCATOR.

Discography: Music by Marcator 18
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