Gado Gado
Meditative and rhtyhmic Worldmusic
Gado Gado“ - this is a journey to the sounds of the world , filled with experiences of various people cultic customs and rituals, musical traditions, religions and conscience expanding means.
After his debut album „Didge Goes World“ wich has been rather successful in the Worldmusic-scene, Herman Delago managed to put into reality his inner spiritual voyage by navigating around the world for six months, accompanied of course by his didgeridoo. He transfered his impressions into the music of his new CD „Gado Gado“, The title refers to a colourful, spicy indonesian salad dish and freely translated means „a bit of everything“.
Delago is not actually fascinated by the mere traditional of skillful presentation of the didgeridoo, but rather by the fusion of the instrument with the availabilities of our time - with the instruments of western cultures and also with electronic music. The over twenty instruments ringing out on „Gado Gado“ were all played by Delago himself, he also was his own producer and engineer and the acoustic result of this interesting musical act of creativity can be heard on „Gado Gado“, you should be a bit hungry for a piquant blend of meditative and rhtyhmic Worldmusic - based on the pristine vibration of the didgeridoo.

Discography: Music by Delago 5
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