NecroMantra is a musical attempt to explore the world of alchemists, magicians and necromancers at the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning new era (16th century). It is an age that is connected to the dark aspects of the previous period but also shows signs of a new beginning and a spiritual reawekening; an age of change that resembles our time in many respects. NecroMantra is a term coined from “Necromancer” and “Mantra”. The 14 songs of the CD form a kind of concept album. The central character is the alchemist who tries to understand the meaning of the world and reaches the limits of experience and knowledge. This Faustian situation results in an expression of doubt and the state of “Ataraxia” (track 14), as we know it from the Stoic doctrine. Tough the music of this CD can easily be enjoyed without the knowledge of the intellectual background, it nevertheless has been shaped by the reflections on religion, philosophy and cultural history by Marcator, a studied historian and philosopher. This is also why “NecroMantra” is Marcators first album to feature vocal titles and samples of early Christian chorales and Malayan chanting. Here we still find the mystical, quiet atmosphere, haunting melodies and beautiful guitar lines that have become so typical for Marcators work - but this time they are attractively contrasted by modern drum and percussion loops and topical sounds. In contrast to his three previous albums for Prudence Marcator has nearly played all the instruments himself. Jazz-trumpet crack Juergen Wiegand and guest vocalist Gabriele Hotsch, Ute Wiercinski and hardrock-singer Dit added their personal touch to some of the tracks. For 12 years now Marcator has collaborated at the concept and visual presentation of his work with the painter Jens Rusch. The cooperation was especially close on this project and so several themes from the songs can be found on the oil-painting created for the cover. Thus “NecroMantra” becomes one piece of art, a pleasure for our ears, eyes and mind.

Discography: Music by Marcator 18
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