North Pole Pilgrim
Like it's predecessor, 2001s "Solar Moon", the new album by German electronic specialists Nautilus, titled "North Pole Pilgrim", is inspired by a work of the great French novelist and futurist Jules Verne. The adventures of his enigmatic character "Kapitän Hatteras" are the blueprint for an imaginary trip to the most northern place on earth, which gives the fourth Nautilus CD its internal structure.
"North Pole Pilgrim" is centered around two lengthy, epic pieces ("Iceland" and "Morning Dawn") . But also on the other nine tracks Martin Ludwig (keys, synths,sequencer), Ralf Obel (sampling,synths, sequencer) and Werner Strätz (guitar) manage to gap the bridge from their great influences (Pink Floyd, Tangerine Dream, Peter Green) to the present and into a fictitious future. Based on mostly very lively grooves they blend modern electronics and deftly integrated elements of worldmusic into a very unique, melodious and highly atmospheric instrumental music. Once again a pioneer of their genre lend them a helping hand: the stunning sound of this production carries the trademark of the magic touch of former Grobschnitt mastermind EROC

Discography: Music by Nautilus 4
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