Between Tomorrow
Martin Hoemberg and Veronika Langguth, who together form the nucleaus of Opera To Relax, are the grand masters of subtlety and may be most sophisticated sound-philosophers within the artist roster of PRUDENCE. On their five albums so far, most of all on 2001s „From Life 2 Life“, the experienced composer/producer and the renowned breath-therapist, have cultivated their search for the „sounds behind the sounds“, artfully blending electronic sounds with acoustic instruments and with their own samples of environmental sounds, thus creating stunning aural sculptures, that virtually seem to come from a world unknown... With their new album „Between Tomorrow“ Opera To Relax make a well considered but bold step towards a more worldly approach: for the first time all their tracks are based on steady grooves, electronic sounds have become more dominating, and their music now has gained a relaxed, elegant flair of modern urbanity. Almost, as if Hoemberg, Langguth and their fellow musicians have descended from open space and mythical inner worlds into the (in some ways not less myth-ladden) world of contemporary metropolitan nightlife. Especially Rosko Gee, former member of seminal bands like Traffic or Can, gives the OTR sound with his bass lines (often simultaneously used with Hoembergs synth basses) a new delicate, subtle funkyness. So the ambient music of OTR with all its stylish understatement bears a compelling sensuality and suggestive power – a clear case of sexyness through intelligence.

Discography: Music by Opera To Relax 2
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