„Do not bury your dead heroes! Leave them in the open air to be eaten by the crow. The Goddess of war will take them to the divine world for eternal praise.“
The musicians of Tibetréa follow the tracks of the Gaulish Goddess ‚Cadbodua’ into battle and melee. There they encounter wondrous magic, death and valour. Archaic aztecan sacrificial rituals, boisterous chants of pirates and frolic dances of dwarves are not the only incidents the band is singing about in their second album. With the susurrus of wild energies and the depth of davul and djembe, the wailing sound of whistle and flute and the sweet voices of the sirens, the musicians lure the audience into distant realms. Who is ready to embark on the exceptional mixture of ‚Fantasy Folk’ will hear an echo from long forgotten times. And when trumpet and shawm sound in ‚The Battle of the trees’ no root can stand still and everyone is following the call into final battle!