Fantasia Iberica
Most people know Potsch Potschka as a rock guitarist with Lokomotive Kreuzberg, Nina Hagen Band and Spliff. But his musical roots are classical music. At the age of twelve he started to play the cello and was very enthusiastic, at 14 he added the piano. Until then he only played classical music, at the age of 16 he took up the guitar, but his main instrument remained the cello, which brought him to Berlin in 1973 to study cello. Things turned out differently, but still had a great impact on him. Even as a child, he dreamed of conducting an orchestra with his own music.
In the 90s - after more than 20 years of rock - Potschka returned to his "roots" and with "The Journey" he succeeded in producing a CD with a lot of classical influence, which was also extremely successful in the USA.
Today it is clear - it was a "preliminary exercise" for "FANTASIA IBERICA".
For Potsch the work is a musical summary of the last years - classical music with Spanish and Arabic influences. His friend and colleague Frank Müller-Brys supported him a lot - both in the arrangement and in parts of the composition.
FANTASIA IBERICA is a musical journey through historical places of Andalusia, where Potschka also spent a large part of his life.
Now he is very happy that these new works will finally be released.

Discography: Music by Potsch Potschka 13
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