Floating In Your Soul
by Gleisberg

CD no.


Themes of philosophy and psychology were inspirational godfathers for Gleisberg's new production. Recognizing the beauty of nature and the divine in it, all-encompassing love for every being as the key to healing on the outside and inside, and the path of self-knowledge with its challenges and opportunities, to name just a few keywords. Musically, "Floating in Your Soul" offers a colorful bouquet of symphonic orchestral music pieces in the style of epic film music, small chamber music and choral pieces to songs in the style of electronic instrumental music.

A wide range of digital sounds mix harmoniously with acoustic instruments, among which Gleisberg's beloved cello in particular occupies a firm place, but also a choir that introduces the production with the title "Surgite ad nubila." "Surgite ad nubila, volare in altum et longe - Rise in the clouds, fly high and far ", the verse of the song could not better describe this new epic work of Gleisberg!   

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