Last Album - My Special Love Songs
Dirk Busch about this album:
Last Radio Show, the last film by Robert Altman is one of my all-time favorite films. In reference to this film, I have named this album so.
This is my last album that I want to release. And not only on the digital platforms but really. And really means: Analog, well, so to speak (it's a CD), with a beautifully designed cover and so right to touch. Something for people who appreciate quality and authenticity in these incredibly fast-moving and arbitrary times - and still have a CD player...?
In the forty years I've been in this music business, I've always tried to tell original stories that have something to do with people's everyday lives, that they can identify with. About which they could smile or laugh - or sometimes become thoughtful and occasionally perhaps shed a little tear. Unfortunately, I have increasingly gained the impression in recent years that the time of these stories is over. We have lost out to the speakers of banality and pompous bombast. This is true both nationally and internationally. Sales strategy (marketing) beats substance. The digital dictatorship is eating its children. Of course, there are still the musical niches that also find their audience. And I'm always happy when I discover new projects and artists (inside) who make wonderful music without looking at the mainstream or TikTok and consorts.
Since I am musically socialized by American music, my last album will also be in English. And if you take a closer look at my productions and releases over the last four decades, you will notice that the production style, the arrangements, the instrumentation are quite different from the typical German productions of the same time. Long story short nonsense:
This album is back to the roots. Small, melodic stories about love, probably the most important theme of our lives.
Eleven own songs, created over the years, including a few new ones, not released so far, and four songs by people, artists, who have always been coordinates for me, the
some earlier, others later: Gordon Lightfoot, Jim Croce, J.J.Cale and Mark Knopfler. Songwriting at its best!
These "Special Love Songs" from my highly subjective point of view are the perfect material for my "Last Album". If I were American, I would simply say: Enjoy!
Yours sincerely, Dirk Busch

Discography: Music by Dirk Busch 33
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