![Martina Eisenreich]()
Martina Eisenreich is a German composer and musician, who has earned a high visability role in contemporary music: in 2021, Musica Femina found her among the five most -performed female composers in orchestral concert series for the first time. Her dramaturgical approach and wide-ranging musical background also lead her into film music, where Martina Eisenreich's work is currently receiving a lot of attention.
In 2024, Martina Eisenreich has just been awarded again the German Film Music Awards main category Best Music in Film for One Trillion Dollars. Her latest film scores for this Paramount+ series and another one, “Turmschatten”, were written in close collaboration with Martinas Barcelona based artistic partner Michael Kadelbach.
For her first film music works, Martina Eisenreich in 2020 was awarded the German TV Academy Award and a double nomination at the German TV Awards in the same season. In 2018 she was the first woman to win the German Film Music Award - which she was nominated three times, and awarded two times until now - for her dark symphony in Axel Ranisch's Tatort "Waldlust". (“…NOTHING SHORT OF MAGIC.” - MainTitles). The film and opera director decided to shoot this entire Tatort film based on a symphony written by Martina. After, Martina wrote the film music for Axel's Opera Feature Film ORPHEA IN LOVE, which won the Grand Prix Golden Prague in 2023. Currently the two are developig comissioned works for renowned European Opera houses, devoting themselves to connect arts across all genre boundaries.
Several celebrated joint works led also to a special collaboration with German film director Pia Strietmann. Recently followed by a haunting soundtrack to Pias dark polit thriller HERRHAUSEN - THE BANKER AND THE BOMB, premiered and awarded this spring at Series Mania in Lille. The score composition includes contemporary electronics as well as baroque sound bodies, recorded with countertenor Andreas Scholl and the Belgian ensemble B'Rock. A new work for orchestra, electronics and the St. Thomas Choir (Thomanerchor Leipzig) will soon be released for Florian Baxmeyer's Christmas film "BACH - A Christmas Story".
Martina's discography today mainly includes soundtrack albums and symphonic work, her composition commissions range from Nibelungen Festival Worms to Los Angeles New Music Festival. Before that, she toured all over Europe with her own ensemble in about 2000 concerts. Martina Eisenreich grew up in Upper Bavaria. In earliest childhood, she began experiencing ethnic alpine folk music. At the age of 15, she was accepted to study classical composition at the Munich University of Music and Performing Arts. Further, she graduated Film Music & Sound Design there and at the Film Academy Baden-Württemberg. Her first symphonic score for "Moonman" (2006) was directly taken over from German Film Orchestra Babelsberg to their repertoire for live concerts. Since then, Martina Eisenreich has worked with many major orchestras around the world, like Frankfurt Radio Symphony or the Hollywood Filmscoring Orchestra in Los Angeles.
Martina Eisenreich was awarded with the prestigious Upper Bavarian Culture Award in 2022. Further, she won the German Record Critics' Award, and the Erding Art & Culture Award. For her music to BE MY BABY, she received the Rolf-Hans Müller Preis (Best Film Music) - the highest value award for film music in Germany. In 2007, two films with her music were nominated by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science: MILAN and NEVERMORE (Nimmermeer). The latter was then decorated with the Honorary Foreign Film Award.
Besides teaching at Munich University of Television and Film Munich, Martina serves on board of DEFKOM (German Film Composers Union) and is member of Deutsche Filmakademie, the German Composers Association and the AWFC (Alliance For Woman Film Composers) in Los Angeles.She regularly supports charity events that primarily support children in need all over the world, working closely with the children's aid organization PLAN International.
Discography: Music by Martina Eisenreich 3
Live on stage: Martina Eisenreich - Upcoming events 4
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Selected music by other artists performing in similar styles like Martina Eisenreich: Soundtracks