Reiki Mantras
Reiki Mantras is an album full of music, that was especially composed for Reiki-purposes, Chakra-meditations and to acchieve "Inner peace". But it is also extremely suitable for all other recreational practises. ASHRON aka Ronald Hoth is a "Master of Reiki" since 1995 and works as a spiritual teacher, healer and shaman. He also uses his knowledge for his works as musician and composer. Two albums full of beautiful instrumental guitar music with his project "Aschera", titled "Whales of Atlantis" and "Return of the Angels", have been released on Prudence. Ashron says about the work on "Reiki Mantras": "The tracks were intuitively composed and offer a journey into the deep inner self. The Mantras and Vantras of Reiki have been dimensionally and tonally integrated into the compositions and connect the listener with his/her Reiki-energies." He describes the musical journey along the nine tracks: "With the opener ‚Reiki-Mantras‘ we immerse into the initional energy of Reiki, into the depths of existence, and open our coral center. ‚Healing Silence‘ - the desire for and pursuit of security, love and warmth. ‚Deep Inside Of Emotions‘ we can find the answers to all the questions that trouble us so much. If we let our feelings flow freely, our fears will go away and we are presented with a wonderful gift: 'Harmony'. Then we can be 'ALL' alone and still connected with everything around us. This knowledge gives us back our feelings of love, peace, security and the joy of life. It feels like the sound of harps: 'Aangel‘s Harpwalk'. The wind, that moves the waves of the oceans, lifts the water up to the sky and lets it rain down again (thus feeding the nature), sings his song: 'Wind and Whales'. The 'Atmosphere' which surrounds our wonderful planet, is also the gate to the stars, the home of the rainbow. Only when the colours of our Chakras radiate in the colours of the rainbow again, we feel free at last, 'Free' as birds, free of all sorrow, playful, curious, full of archaic trust, easy...easily dealing with everything. Let us fly like the birds with the angels again and live love in harmony: 'Birdland'. May 'Golden Light' flow through our aura, enlighten us and our lives."

Discography: Music by Ashron 6
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Selected music by other artists performing in similar styles like Ashron: Ambient, New Age Pop