Pflege braucht mehr als das Klatschen von Balkonen (2021 Version) (Single)
"I care as who I am!" is a famous quote from Liliane Juchli, one of the great pioneers of care. But what does a person need to be who they are?
And what does a person who cares or is cared for need? Whether in outpatient, inpatient or home care, nursing has been in a precarious situation for years. The pandemic has exacerbated this situation and made it clear to everyone. Whether nursing professionals, whether caring relatives: All are at the limit of their strength.
With this music video action and the care song we would like to let representatives from all ranges of the care come to "word" and for community instead of division, for co-operation instead of competition recruit. Because you can only achieve great things if you work together!
In the video, people from outpatient, inpatient and home care, as well as those who need care, show themselves in almost 80 small self-made (cell phone) videos during their care activities and/or hold their messages and demands up to the camera. Sometimes serious, sometimes silly, sometimes laughing, sometimes touching, sometimes angry, sometimes sad, sometimes at the end, sometimes in a mood of departure, sometimes dancing, sometimes singing, sometimes very quiet, sometimes big, sometimes small, sometimes woman, sometimes man, sometimes girl, sometimes boy. Simply as the people they are.
And all these people are happy about recognition of their performance, their work, their actions. They are also happy about applause, but that alone is not enough, because: "Care needs more than the clapping from balconies... because at some point everyone can no longer do it."
"Healing care stands and falls with the healing and well-being of the caregivers." Liliane Juchli
An action by Nadine Maria Schmidt, songwriter from Leipzig.

Discography: Music by Nadine Maria Schmidt 14
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