"As one who can grasp the absurdities of life in better words than all "Söhne Mannheims" stand together" says the Süddeutsche Zeitung about Stefan Weyerer and continues: "enchantingly insane". Together with his colleague and companion, multi instrumentalist and producer Nick Flade Weyerer grabs his awesome lyrics in a new "shabby chique" sonic outfit: Singer / Songwriter meets retro electronic sounds and a oldschool stage piano from the Seventies. Transparent and touching. The "Fette Tanz (Fat Dance)" is fun, is not afraid to look into the depths and is full of originality On the debut album of the duo you can find grooving protest songs as the "Welt als Wolf (World As A Wolf") or Declaration Of love in a special style in "Alleinsein tut nicht Not No need to be alone") or the lapidary statement "Normalsein ist Wahnsinn (Beeing normal is insanity)". With a lot of esprit the "Fette Tanz (Fat Dance)" rasp on porous paint of time and behind the deceptive mask of a radiance that shines, you will find "Kupfer (copper)!"

Discography: Music by Kupfer 3
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