Durchs Feuer gehen (Single)
"Durchs Feuer gehen" is the second single from the 12th studio album of the Munich cult band LustfingeR, released in August 2022.
Even after more than 40 years of their band formation LustfingeR, who have also come up with much acclaimed wonderful ballads like "Tu's für mich", "Unser Weg", "Lass mich los" and "Niemals vergessen" , have probably released their best ballad. With the soulful, catchy ballad "Durch's Feuer geh'n" they have again hit the nerve of the time lyrically and musically. Jean Beauvoir (among others Plasmatics,Voodoo X, Crown Of Thorns, Little Steven & the Disciples of Soul), who participated on the anniversary album with his number "My Brain Is Hangin' (Bonzo Goes To Bitburg)" written for the Ramones, was so touched by this ballad that he absolutely wanted to contribute the English version to it, which can also be heard as "Walk Into The Fire" on the last LustfingeR.
And there is even a duet with Tom and Jean, but we will publish it at a later date.

Discography: Music by LustfingeR 31
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