Secret Sarai
Album availabale from at our Fair Trade Partner "best-around-sound-and-media"
The Magician is back! Having become a legend of his own by his numerous musical adventures, with Secret Sarai the artist sets another milestone on his long creative road, continuously following his vision of a global kind of music beyond the limits of categories and clichés.
The album undoubtedly is one of Gandalf’s most powerful and versatile productions in a long while. Accompanied by a number of supreme musicians he shows his full range of capabilities as a composer, arranger and multi-instrumentalist. Some long-time-fans of his music will be more than happy to recognize the unmistakable sound of his electric guitar they may have missed in the recent years.
A special note is given to Gandalf’s compositions by the enchanting vocals of songwriter and vocalist Eva Novak.

Discography: Music by Gandalf 11
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