Benedikt Jahnel & das Kaktus 6tett
by Jahnel, Benedikt

CD no.


The sextet led by the native Munich pianist Benedikt Jahnel combines musicians from all over Germany, who converged in the fresh maelstrom of the Berlin jazz-scene. Jahnel, who presently lives in New York and presented his Carnegie Hall debut a few weeks ago, releases this Cd as his first work as a leader. All compositions are penned by him and show his virtuoso ability of affiliating melodic songwriting, floating grooves and intoxicating improvisations. Everything is presented with exciting arrangements for three horns and rhythm section. The press confirms: „Time changes and free rhythmic structures give a diversified complexity... frantic solos and turbulent group improvisations alternate with ballad like movements, resolving into gorgeous endings.“ (Schwäbische Zeitung)

The musicians: Susanne Folk (saxophone), Johannes Lauer (trombone), Benjamin Kraef (saxophone), Roland Fidezius (bass) and Jens Dohle (drums) represent more than just a part of the best in the young Berlin jazz-scene. They are also a major representation of Jahnel´s remarkable musical development in the last five years: „... one of the great hopes in modern Jazz.“ (Die Jazz Zeitung)

„Not daunting or complicated, but melodic and fine structured ... with room for little mysteries.“ (Süddeutsche Zeitung)

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